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Italian Whites

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  • Casano Grillo 750ml

    Casano Grillo 750ml

    Grillo is a native southern Italian wine grape now mainly cultivated in Sicily where it has long been used as the base for the finest wines from Marsala. It produces wines that are a study of texture rather than fruit, with a broad and rich mouthfeel and mineral edged ripe lemon fruit.

  • Cesconi Garli Chardonnay Riserva

    Cesconi Garli Chardonnay Riserva

  • Cesconi Manzoni Bianco

    Cesconi Manzoni Bianco

  • Cesconi Nosiola Bianco Dolomiti

    Cesconi Nosiola Bianco Dolomiti

    This wine is lovely pale lemon in colour. On the nose, it is fresh and lively, expressing the wine's mountain character, with notes of grapefruit and elderberry. The palate is savoury but delicate; the moderate alcohol content and high acidity enhancing its depth and finish.

  • Cesconi Pinot Grigio Dolomiti Selezione

    Cesconi Pinot Grigio Dolomiti Selezione

    The hand-picked grapes are crushed and macerated for several hours before being pressed in the absence of oxygen, with no additives. After the fermentation, the wine is kept in contact with the lees, which helps maintain aroma and develop complexity.

  • Sale!Cesconi Pinot Grigio Trentino Classico

    Cesconi Pinot Grigio Trentino Classico

    The hand-picked grapes are crushed and pressed in the absence of oxygen and without the addition of sulfur dioxide. The must ferments partly in stainless steel vats and partly in large oak barrels. The long contact with the fermentation yeasts and the repeated bâtonnage during aging give the wine delicacy and complexity.

    $25.99 $23.99
  • Cesconi Primiere Riserva Pinot Grigio

    Cesconi Primiere Riserva Pinot Grigio

    Deep straw yellow in colour, this wine opens with intense notes of pear, brioche, white peach and zesty citrus. The palate is round and rich, with complex layers of fruit and savoury characters that carry through onto the long, mineral finish.

  • Cirillo 1850 Ancestor Vine Semillon

    Cirillo 1850 Ancestor Vine Semillon

    In the glass, this Semillon shines with a crystalline pale yellow hue and an iridescent green rim. The nose offers bright lemongrass, orange blossom, and a distinctive mineral character, while the palate is filled with sinewy structure and a focused acid line, delivering a textural experience with a perfect balance of sweet and sour.

    This exciting Semillon, ideal for immediate enjoyment or cellaring, epitomizes Marco Cirillo’s dedication to quality and tradition, offering a piece of Barossa's history in every bottle.

  • Collavini Pinot Grigio

    Collavini Pinot Grigio

    Intense straw yellow with interesting copper highlights. The nose offers flowery and characteristic sensations with hints of citrus fruits. In the mouth it is well balanced, silky and savoury and elegance is the main feature

  • Colle Moro Chardonnay

    Colle Moro Chardonnay

  • Collefrisio Trebbiano Da Abruzzo

    Collefrisio Trebbiano Da Abruzzo

    Straw-yellow colour with green highlights. Intense fruity aroma, with pear, peach and tropical fruits notes. Balanced taste, fresh and persistent on the palate, good structure.

  • Concilio Gewurztraminer Trentino

    Concilio Gewurztraminer Trentino
