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Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Mateus Rose 750ml

    Mateus Rose 750ml

    Mateus Rosé Original is a rosé with a very appealing and bright colour. On the whole, it is a fresh and seductive wine with fine and intense bouquet and all the joviality of young wines. In the mouth, it is a well balanced and tempting wine, brilliantly complemented by a soft and slightly fizzy finish.


    The Kanga Pack comes with:


    1x 750ml Mateus


    1 x 180ml Mateus 

  • Mcw 480 Pinot Grigio Tumbarumba

    Mcw 480 Pinot Grigio Tumbarumba

  • Mcwilliams Hanwood 20 Year Old Muscat

    Mcwilliams Hanwood 20 Year Old Muscat

    McWilliam’s has a long and prestigious history in producing fortified wines. With its wealth of experience, McWilliam’s affords its wines time to cellar and releases them only when they have reached optimum maturity. Christmas cake, chocolate, toffee and lifted floral Muscat grape characters. Intense concentration, lusciousness and depth with Christmas pudding, burnt toffee and raisins with a distinct rancio character cleansing the finish.

    Enjoy with decadent dark chocolate tart, premium aged cheeses, or simply on its own.

  • Medici Ermete I Quercioli Lambrusco Dolce

    Medici Ermete I Quercioli Lambrusco Dolce

    Bright ruby red, fruity and persistent with violet scent. Sweet, fruity, fresh, lively, pleasantly harmonious. Fine and rich when poured. Lightly sweet and tangy, this balanced version offers graphite, black cherry coulis, candied strawberry and spice notes.

  • Sale!Medici Ermete Trebbiano Rubicone

    Medici Ermete Trebbiano Rubicone

    Colour: Pale Yellow


    Bouquet: Pleasant and Delicate, Lightly Fruity and Floral


    Taste: Dry, Delicate, Fresh and Harmonious

    $17.99 $12.99
  • Menhir Salento Filo Negroamaro

    Menhir Salento Filo Negroamaro

    Colour: Clear, deep ruby red colour with hints of garnet.
    Bouquet: The nose shows a succession of small wild berries, chocolate, dried rosehip petals and leather.
    Palate: Warm, balanced and soft with a display of smooth and velvety tannins. A clear and persistent finish.
    Food Pairing: Pairs best with T-bone steak, savoury first courses, grilled meat and moderately mature cheeses.
  • Menhir Salento Primitivo

    Menhir Salento Primitivo

    Strong ruby-red with a violet tint. Ripe morello cherries, mint and blackberries. Pleasant, fresh, clear and expressive
















    Great with salted meat, such as capocollo and soppressata from Martina Franca (Apulia), bacon-fat and Faeto ham, maritati (type of Apulian pasta) with ragout of mixed meat, roast lamb with wild thyme and grilled potatoes, partially matured cheeses, such as caciocavallo podolico.

  • Mesa Buio Carignano Del Sulcis

    Mesa Buio Carignano Del Sulcis

    Dark ruby in color, this wine has elegant aromas of ripe plum and red fruits framed by black pepper spice notes. Unoaked to showcase the characterful fruit, the full-bodied palate is balanced between tannins and vibrant acidity leading to a long and vibrant finish. Goes great with grilled red meats or tuna, pasta and rice dishes with duck or pheasant sauces, Sardinian pecorino cheese.

  • Mesa Giunco Vermentino

    Mesa Giunco Vermentino

    A well balanced white, with good body and scents of tropical fruits backed by floral impressions. 

    Pair with fish or cremy cheeses. 

  • Mesa Opale Vermentino

    Mesa Opale Vermentino

        Rich and complex in flavour, with great length. 


      Pair with intensely flavoured pasta and rice dishes, grilled or well-seasoned fish, white meats, medium-ripe cheeses.
  • Metala White Label Shiraz Cabenet

    Metala White Label Shiraz Cabenet

    This traditional Australian blend of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon provides a full bodied palate that is rich with velvety tannins. Subtle oak hints bring depth of flavour and structure to the dark berry fruits - including mulberry, plum and a touch of mint and savoury spice.

  • Mezzacorana Castel Firmian Pinot Nero

    Mezzacorana Castel Firmian Pinot Nero

    Pepper, licorice, cherry, strawberry and smoky notes. 

    Perfect with beef, lamb, game, poultry
