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La Boheme Interlude Pinot Noir

La Boheme Interlude Pinot Noir

La Boheme Interlude Pinot Noir

$16.99 - $15.99 (by the mix case)

The Yarra Valley’s very own opera diva, Dame Nellie Melba, enchanted the world as Mimi in ‘La Boheme. Puccini’s famous opera based in the characterful Latin Quarter of 1880s Paris has four acts; the last ending-as usual – in tragedy.

Set in a tavern in the Porte d’ Enter. Jealousy and happiness intertwine between Mimi and Rodolfo. Marcello and the flirtatious Musetta emerge from the tavern quarrelling. The four voices and their mixed emotions form a beautiful quartet.

La Boheme Interlude Pinot Noir is delicious with most cuisines.

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SKU: 12461. Category: Wine/Pinot Noir.



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6 bottles

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Std Drinks
