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Sake Wine

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  • Kizakura S Junmai Dai Ginjo 500ml

    Kizakura S Junmai Dai Ginjo 500ml

  • Kyo Tenrai Junmai Daiginjo Saranari 720ml

    Kyo Tenrai Junmai Daiginjo Saranari 720ml

    Yamamoto House stands as a venerable traditional liquor establishment with a heritage spanning nearly 350 years in the Fushimi region of Kyoto. In the realm of liquor craftsmanship, we espouse a philosophy wherein the essence of the individual is intricately interwoven with the art of liquor production, resulting in an unwavering commitment to the purest expression of our craft. Since our inception, we have been at the forefront of innovation, continually introducing novel techniques and adhering to a time-honored tradition of meticulous, continuous soaking in our manufacturing processes. The name "Sharanari" finds its roots in "Pillow Zako," denoting the serenity of a summer night, with the moon symbolizing auspiciousness.

  • Rihaku Tokubetsu Junmai Shu 720ml

    Rihaku Tokubetsu Junmai Shu 720ml

    This sake is made so that some of the rice lees remain in the bottle after pressing. Most sake is sweet and creamy and thick with the unfermented rice solids. Rihaku is a bit less chunky but more fruity and complex than most sake. Slight prune tones, and a slight taste of nuts. 

  • Sasanokawa Daiginjo Sake 720ml

    Sasanokawa Daiginjo Sake 720ml

    It has a rich flavour with a refreshing sake taste.

  • Sasanokawa Fukunoka Jyunmai Ginjyo 720ml

    Sasanokawa Fukunoka Jyunmai Ginjyo 720ml

    Special brew using 100% highly-polished Fukunoka sake rice, which is fermented over a long period of time at a low temperature. You can enjoy the fragrance and rich savoriness unique to Sasanokawa pure rice sake, as well as its lightness and smoothness. This sake carries great rich flavor of Junmai, as well as clean, refreshing aftertaste of Ginjo. Banana like fruity aroma and clean after taste.

  • Sensei Sake 750ml

    Sensei Sake 750ml
