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  • Sale!De Bortoli Deen Shiraz 750ml

    De Bortoli Deen Shiraz 750ml

    $10.99 $9.99
  • De Bortoli Organic Shiraz 750ml

    De Bortoli Organic Shiraz 750ml

    Bright crimson red appearance with equally enticing fragrant aromas of red fruits and white pepper. The palate exudes rich red fruits and blackberry notes. Full and generous structure, refined tannins and a lengthy finish.

    Organic wine

  • De Bortoli Yarra Valley A8 Syrah

    De Bortoli Yarra Valley A8 Syrah

  • Dee Vine Estate Shiraz

    Dee Vine Estate Shiraz

    Medium-bodied Shiraz complimented by flavours of blackcurrants and dark chocolate, with rich aromas of licorice and dark berries, and gentle tannins to finish.

  • Dog Ridge The Pup Shiraz

    Dog Ridge The Pup Shiraz

    A cheeky, robust Shiraz with explosive flavour and great balance! Powerful aromas of spicy red berry jam with floral notes. Bursting full of juicy fruit and light, silky tannins. 

  • Elderton Wine Estate Shiraz

    Elderton Wine Estate Shiraz

    Full bodied, rich. A classic Barossa Shiraz with aromas of black forest fruits, chocolate, vanilla and flavours of plum, chocolate and spice.

  • Fat Bastard Shiraz

    Fat Bastard Shiraz

    This Pinot Noir is a brilliant expression of the land from which it is made. It has fruit forward flavours of strawberry and raspberry with a long, smooth finish.

  • Four In Hand Shiraz

    Four In Hand Shiraz

    Having set out to make a mid-weight style of shiraz that shows definitive regional typicity, we’re very pleased with the result. With moderate alcohol and very supple oak influence, Barossa dark fruits and black chocolate characters rise to the forer, it’s generous and appealing, with soft, fine powdery tannins and lovely length of flavour. Enjoyable immediately upon release and will cellar comfortably for 5-7 years.

  • Foxeys Hangout Shiraz

    Foxeys Hangout Shiraz

  • Geoff Hardy K1 Middle Hill Shiraz

    Geoff Hardy K1 Middle Hill Shiraz

    The nose offers typical cool climate Shiraz aromas of red cherries and subtle spices, including cloves and white pepper. Palate: The palate is medium-bodied and complex with red plums, spice and a hint of apricot, followed by a grippy finish.

  • Grand Barossa Shiraz

    Grand Barossa Shiraz

  • Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz

    Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz
