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Di Martino Dolce And Gabbana Pasta Starter Ki

Di Martino Dolce And Gabbana Pasta Starter Ki

Di Martino Dolce And Gabbana Pasta Starter Ki


Di Martino pasta and Dolce e Gabbana have partnered to create the perfect pasta starter kit. 

The kit comes with two tins of tomatoes, one Dolce & Gabanna apron, and three incredible varieties of pasta. Di Martino pasta has been made according to Old World traditions of Gragnano for three generations. Today they continue to make pasta with exclusively Italian ingredients and bronze cutting tools. Enjoy the traditional taste of Di Martino!


  • 5 x DG assorted pasta
  • 2 x DG Tomato Tins
  • 1 x DG Apron

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$240.00 ea

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SKU: 45957. Category: Food/Pasta.

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1 bottles