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The Artisan Cabernet Shiraz 2016 Mv

The Artisan Cabernet Shiraz 2016 Mv

The Artisan Cabernet Shiraz 2016 Mv

$26.99 - $24.99 (by the mix case)

Always great to see a wine which has spent time in the cellar before release, although how they can manage that at this price is beyond me. Cracking value here. Deep red, the nose exudes strawberries and cherries. We have notes of warm earth, cloves and aniseed. On the palate, raspberries move to the fore with good acidity and nice balance. Still fresh and offering great persistence with tannins that are also fine and silky, this will drink well for ten years if needed. What fabulous value!

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SKU: 47435. Category: Wine/Blended Reds.

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12 bottles

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