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Les Bastilles Chateauneuf Du Pape

Les Bastilles Chateauneuf Du Pape

Les Bastilles Chateauneuf Du Pape

$119.99 - $109.99 (by the mix case)

Les Bastilles Châteauneuf-du-Pape offers a captivating ruby hue with vibrant purple highlights. Its aromatic profile is a symphony of complexity, showcasing a blend of ripe red fruits and enticing sweet spices on the nose. Upon the palate, it reveals its full-bodied nature with remarkable smoothness. This vintage is particularly enchanting for its opulent richness and intricate layers, featuring prominent notes of sweet spices intertwined with nuances of leather and decadent chocolate. The finish is nothing short of exceptional, striking a perfect balance between invigorating freshness and sophisticated complexity, leaving a lasting impression on the senses.

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$119.99 ea

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SKU: 47094. Category: Wine/French Reds.

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12 bottles

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Std Drinks
